
It’s very hard to find balanced information these days. When one side is forced on us and all other views are silenced I begin to sense that something isn’t quite right. I don’t jump on conspiracy theories and I truly believe that most of them are just nuts. I do wonder about this COVID stuff though. Why is the experimental gene therapy “vaccine” being forced on everyone when no other vaccine is? I’ve never been coerced into getting a flu shot. There has never been a nation-wide flu shot mandate. Something just seems very “off” here.

The biggest smoking gun is how any doctor or scientist who disagrees with the experimental gene therapy vaccines is ridiculed and silenced by being banned from social media such as Twitter and Facebook. When only one side is allowed to be shared it seems like a social engineering conspiracy.

I am not saying that COVID is not dangerous. It is dangerous to many people who have co-morbidities. Flu is also dangerous for the elderly and other immune-compromised people. What I am saying is that it is very strange how people are being coerced and forced to take a new treatment that was previously untested making millions of people Big Pharma’s test subjects and not making Big Pharma liable for damages to the masses.