Best Cell Phone Camera vs Full Frame DSLR

I absolutely love having a good camera with me all the time in my cell phone! I love being able to capture “moments” that I couldn’t capture otherwise. There is definitely a difference between these daily casual use cameras on our phones and the crisp beautiful photos taken with a professional camera.

Why I Love Summer!

I have always loved summer more than any other season. Days are bright, filled with sunshine lasting long enough to enjoy picnics, cookouts and woodland hikes. The leaves are green and healthy looking, and the birds sing gleefully. The roses and other beautiful flowers bloom and decorate the world with brilliant happy colors, feeding the butterflies and bees with nectar as the bees and butterflies pollinate for next year’s flowers. The sun shines brightly until just in time to retire for the night after activity filled days.

School is out and children fill homes that were silent and dull with sounds of both joy and calamity. Life! Summer signifies life, health and happiness to me.

Fall brings beautiful colors, but also is a harbinger of winter. Cool air and school busses were what I always dreaded most. The beautiful green leaves give way to nutrient starved dying leaves that fall to the ground in dead crunchy clusters. In my young adult years, ugly yellow school busses swept away my children leaving my house empty, lonely and boring. It’s time to get back to work. Buckle down. Settle in. Endure.

As fall gives way to the cold barren days of winter, heating bills rise, and driving becomes treacherous, as snow covers roads making travel difficult and dangerous. Days are short and nights long as the naked trees like skeletons scraping the sky as they stoically endure, awaiting the warm breath of spring.

All seasons have their positives and negatives, but in my eyes, summer has always been the season of fun. Winter has always been the season of endurance and hibernation. Christmas is the bright spot of winter, but it ends just as the drudgery of winter fully takes hold.

As I contemplate the seasons, I recognize that without the nakedness of trees and frozenness of winter we would not have such appreciation for spring and summer.

Who can deny the joy of seeing the first crocus flowers poking their heads out of the frosty thawing ground? As the tulips and daffodils rise and the days grow longer the joy of new life pervades and our appreciation for life is freshly renewed.