Lakeland Community College Levy

I want to encourage everyone to vote for the Lakeland Community College renewal levy on Issue 1. I am thankful to be able to go to a school that offers so much and keeps it affordable. In order to keep education affordable for our area Lakeland really needs this levy to pass.

What a busy week it has been!

I have not had time to relax this week. School was extra stressful. I am struggling with one of my classes and it is taking a huge amount of my time to try to comprehend it. This week my wonderful son and his lovely daughters came from his Army base in Texas to visit and I have enjoyed seeing them immensely! I’m trying to balance time with school, my relationship with my wonderful man, and also with my children and family. It can be a difficult task. Loved ones are definitely worth the effort!
I’m doing the best I know how to do in school and am hoping that my hard work and persistance pays off with a decent career that will help us all when I am through.

First full week of school for me…

Wow! What a week! I had English Composition – Technical Focus. I enjoy this class. We are going to be working on a big project. We are dividing into groups to create a presentation that will make up a very large portion of our grade. There will be a lot of research involved, along with the combined talents of our group to create graphics and props to help us to make our presentation. It seems to me that this will be a very enjoyable class.

Java Script. Ummmm, this one is going to be tough! I think that the fact of my being away from school for seven years makes this class extra hard for me. I have to catch up on some things. I didn’t have XHTML and CSS so I have to pick them up on my own while I try to get this class down. A couple of my classmates and myself are meeting for a study group. Fortunately the man heading it up knows several programming languages and totally gets what is going on in this class. He is helping those of us who don’t quite “get it” yet.

E-Commerce is interesting. I’m taking it online and most of our socializing in this class is done through a message board.

I have only had one Electronic Imaging class (Photoshop). I was looking forward to this class the most and so far like it the least. We spent four hours learning how to use the Macintosh and PhotoShop interfaces. I guess I get bored too easily. 🙂 I am sure it will pick up and get more interesting as we get into it more.

Interpersonal Communications is a great class. I learn a lot by listening to our instructor and also from the input of all the students. Our class is made up of many diverse people so we get input from different backgrounds. I am learning much more in this class than just the textbook material. I think this is my favorite class.