Natural Immunity To COVID-19 May Last Longer Than Some Previously Thought

Our immune system is complex and multi-faceted. There are the first troops deployed which are the antibodies deployed by the B-Cells, then there are the long term guardians who stay indefinitely which are the T-cells. Here are some articles I read today describing this long term defense against COVID-19.

Gave Windows 11 another try and reverted to Windows 10 after 5 days.

Everything worked except the fingerprint reader but that is an important feature to me. It is security that can’t be breached and not having it work was too irritating. I’ll try Windows 11 again further along in development, when it is about ready. I reported the problem and the steps I took to try to fix it. I discovered in forums that it is a common problem across different laptop brands and different fingerprint sensor manufacturers. I am confident it will be fixed eventually.

Why Are They Forcing the LGBT Agenda On Everyone?

I would never mistreat someone because they are openly “gay”. I simply cannot embrace their choice and proclaim it to be good. I have friends and loved ones who believe they are gay. I will always love them, even if I don’t agree with their lifestyle.

There is an epidemic of young people who believe they are “gay” due to the bombardment of propaganda and influence of media. People are afraid to take a stand and speak up against this bombardment because the extremists will cry “hater!” and “bigot” and mark anyone who opposes them as prejudiced. Today it’s cool to be gay and out of touch to be traditional.

All of this confusion is the manifestation of propaganda and programming inflicted on easily swayed people by those who seek to destroy the basic integral structure of society which is the family. We are bombarded with movies, shows and even news with ideology promoting what they call “LGBT Pride”.

The easiest way to destroy the family is to encourage people to satisfy their every desire no matter how foul or corrupt. If it feels good do it – no matter who else it hurts. This is what America is becoming. And now the activists are trying to force their prurient interest and proclivities on everyone!

I totally and completely reject this agenda. Those of us who hold to traditional beliefs about the family should not be forced to support these radicals who seek to destroy us. The United States of America was founded upon LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

People have the freedom to destroy their own lives with alcohol, tobacco and “alternate lifestyles”. They do not have the freedom to force it on others!

Most people will still try to protect their children from pedophiles and criminals but I see the day approaching when pedophilia will be embraced as normal and no child will be safe. People need to stand up and say “This is enough!” Stop this madness!

Lets Heal Our Families!

It was one thing to end the mistreatment of women, specifically wives by their husbands, but they went too far, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is right for women to make the same money for the same work as men, it is right for women to be able to do most of the same jobs that men do. It is not right for women to have to leave their babies and young children with others to raise. It is not right that a woman isn’t able to do her natural job of caring for her children and keeping the home in good shape for the family to live in. It is right for the husband to be the provider and protector of the family and for the wife to be the homemaker and nurturing child care giver. It is right for a couple to make money decisions together. It is wrong for a man to believe that if his wife is at home with the children and caring for the house then she does not have a say in how the money he earns is used. Her work is just as valuable as his work is. In many cases it was this abuse by men that caused women to want jobs outside of the home. Yes, they wanted more material things for everyone in the family, but they wanted a say in how the money was used.

Everyone should carefully consider their priorities for their families. If you want emotionally stable, healthy children you must make that your priority. I believe that the destruction of the family unit has created the cold, selfish and materialistic generation we see today. In the quest to get rid of the misogynistic authoritarian family structure invoked in colonial America, we have also thrown out what was good and wholesome, such as love, monogamy and morality. We need a standard for living that is based on decency and goodness for healthy families. The man of the house (husband) must be the final decision maker, but not without listening to his wife and carefully considering her opinions and wisdom. When the two can’t agree there must be a final say and it should be his. This should never cause a man to feel like a despot or to wield leadership as a weapon. That wouldn’t be love! There are things that women wield (or withhold) as weapons too but remember – that’s not love!

I am a Christian. I believe in the morality that is written in the Bible. I know that people have taken the Bible and twisted it’s writings to make it fit their own agendas. For some it was Authoritarianism. For others it was for racism and hate. If we accept the teachings of Jesus we will love one another as ourselves. We will deny our selfishness and destructive cravings. We will put the laws of God first (the ones that are clearly written, not the ambiguous ones men invent). We will live for others, especially the members of our families instead of just ourselves. Living in this way would eliminate most divorces and create more loving and caring families. I know there will always be difficult and rocky circumstances in every family, but by putting others ahead of ourselves we will benefit and create a nurturing environment where everyone can heal and thrive. Because we are living in a fallen world, in fallen bodies, with fallen souls we can’t obey God’s laws without His Spirit living inside us. He will not force anyone to live His way. He gently guides us and calls to our inner thoughts to come to Him. If we accept His gift of Jesus Christ and tell him we’re willing to try to follow Him, He will change us and give us the guidance and strength we need to live His way.


Our Nation

It seems that the oppressive rich who believe that it is not the role of the government to help the elderly, poor and homeless are standing for morality, but those who care about the poor and minorities are allowing the destruction of family values to decay our country from the inside.

Another thought that is being propagated these days is that homosexuals deserve civil rights like minorities do. How can anyone liken a men and women of different races to two men or two women of any race being married? They liken homosexual marriage to interracial marriage. This also is preposterous! There is absolutely no comparison! This is an insult to all races of people!

It boggles my mind that we allow people of the same sex to call themselves married when everything in nature screams that this is aberrant and destructive to society. I wonder how long it will take for the amoral social engineers to declare that children are sexual beings and have the right to marry an adult if both parties consent? Our society is becoming more like depraved, undisciplined, selfish primitive people, rather than improving and growing into a healthy, thriving society.

Windows 7 woes

My windows 7 installation was destroyed after a windows live update. I still don’t know why it hosed my system but it would not boot and we tried many different utilities to attempt to recover it.

After my windows 7 fatally crashed I bought a new hard drive, popped it in and completely reinstalled my O.S.

I set my BIOS to boot from the new drive and can access all of my old files from my old drive.

I found reinstalling my software time consuming, but not complicated.It still took me staying up all night to get everything back the way I need it.

I downloaded the NVIDIA drivers for my OEM G-Force 310 graphics card and got my dual monitors set up.

Fortunately, most of my software is also on my laptop so I was able to retrieve my serial numbers using Belarc Advisor. All of my Adobe software product keys are safely stored on the Adobe website. My downloaded program executable files were still safe and I have all of the product keys (from programs I purchased online) in emails that are saved on my laptop It’s a good thing too! Nero could not find my account information so without that original email I would not have been able to download my Nero 12 suite that I paid for.