I would never mistreat someone because they are openly “gay”. I simply cannot embrace their choice and proclaim it to be good. I have friends and loved ones who believe they are gay. I will always love them, even if I don’t agree with their lifestyle.
There is an epidemic of young people who believe they are “gay” due to the bombardment of propaganda and influence of media. People are afraid to take a stand and speak up against this bombardment because the extremists will cry “hater!” and “bigot” and mark anyone who opposes them as prejudiced. Today it’s cool to be gay and out of touch to be traditional.
All of this confusion is the manifestation of propaganda and programming inflicted on easily swayed people by those who seek to destroy the basic integral structure of society which is the family. We are bombarded with movies, shows and even news with ideology promoting what they call “LGBT Pride”.
The easiest way to destroy the family is to encourage people to satisfy their every desire no matter how foul or corrupt. If it feels good do it – no matter who else it hurts. This is what America is becoming. And now the activists are trying to force their prurient interest and proclivities on everyone!
I totally and completely reject this agenda. Those of us who hold to traditional beliefs about the family should not be forced to support these radicals who seek to destroy us. The United States of America was founded upon LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.
People have the freedom to destroy their own lives with alcohol, tobacco and “alternate lifestyles”. They do not have the freedom to force it on others!
Most people will still try to protect their children from pedophiles and criminals but I see the day approaching when pedophilia will be embraced as normal and no child will be safe. People need to stand up and say “This is enough!” Stop this madness!