Legalistic Christianity Is Out of Balance

Pride is so much worse than silly authoritarian issues and sadly, it creeps in so easily, especially when we start being proud of ourselves for not doing this or that. Hypocritical pride is an offense to our Holy God. It repels the lost while showing God’s love, mercy and grace (with the Holy Spirit’s leading) attracts them!

Many of us who once followed legalism, have learned by our mistakes even though they were made while earnestly trying to follow our Lord! Especially after a personal failure we see how feeble is any attempt to be holy apart from God!

Pride is a hidden sin. Pride is often easier seen by others than it is seen by one’s self. Becoming Pharisaical does not happen instantly. We become like the Pharisees when we start feeling superior to others for any reason.

Could it be that such a hidden sin only comes to light when we experience an obvious fall? Ah, but the Bible tells us that pride goes before a fall so such a fall is then inevitable. We need to fear pride as much as we fear committing adultery or whatever we consider to be “big” sins. Pride is as wicked as any sin!

When we experience an obvious outward failure and are deeply convicted by the Holy Spirit of God, we find ourselves crying out desperately; “Oh God – be merciful to me, a sinner!” It is then that we are instantly restored! It is also when we become fearful of doing anything that could possibly lead us back to the hog pen from which we were delivered! Pride is instantly transformed into shame of sin and gratitude to our Savior for His forgiveness and His transforming power! Gone is any pride for living right.

It is far better to guard our hearts and weed out pride before we fall. Stay close to God’s Word and pray without ceasing. Be sensitive to God’s Holy Spirit!

Legalism has been conquered by grace and grace instills a deep aversion to anything ungodly, which produces a higher way of living without pride. A balanced Christian life devoid of pride is the result.