Search For Balance

Maybe you have noticed a rapid decline in morality in the world today. Everything is out of balance! People are so confused about the most basic aspects of life.

Women have lost sight of what it means to be a woman.

Men have lost sight of what it means to be a man.

People have become so confused they don’t know if they are male or female!

Today we have mass CONFUSION!

People have turned away from God and righteousness! Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. This is not the first time in history this has happened. It’s because of rebellion against God. He calls it SIN.

When things get out of balance…

Even many religions are out of balance. In some Middle Eastern countries women are treated worse than dogs. They have no human rights! Their men have forgotten the joys of family where the fathers lead, provide for and protect their wives and children. These women feel like captives. They feel helpless and powerless. When the women are unhappy the home is unhappy.

Some sacrifice their lives for the cause of their religion. Some even blow up their children in their believed sacrifice to god.

On the other hand, in many free countries some women have gone way beyond equal rights and have discarded the essence of femininity seeking to be masculine. They are angry, rebellious and hardened. They have forgotten the joys of nurturing and caring for their families. Inside they are confused and miserable. Many have been raised without the knowledge of God and what He preserved in His Word, the Holy Bible.

When things are out of balance with rebellion and confusion the results are not pleasant!

People fight for the right to marry someone of the same sex. God forbids this behavior! He calls it an abomination! Even some churches are embracing this terrible error!
Rioting is another symptom of society being out of balance. Only following God’s plan for mankind can bring balance.

Women have forgotten that they were created to be helpers, nurturers and comforters. There is great contentment and joy in the natural roles given by God! Not that there won’t be trials and problems, but an underlying peace during the storms of life. Only God can give this – But you must accept Him!

In contrast, when things are balanced there is peace and contentment.

Loving families produce kind, compassionate and loving offspring.
Children need security, love and training.

Men have forgotten that they were created to be leaders, protectors and providers.

When family roles are in balance there is harmony! When hard times come you have family to provide comfort, support and love! God’s way is always the best!

There is an underlying evil plot to destroy the family unit and to create disharmony and friction within families. The evil one behind this is the age old enemy of Almighty God, Satan.

We need to return to the basics taught in God’s word; the Holy Bible!

Men, lead, protect and provide – but don’t be a tyrant! Don’t abuse your position of head of household! Love your wives! Listen to their views and their wisdom! Make them happy! In turn they will make you happy! Wives, submit to your husband’s final decisions. Respect your husbands as head of the home! Children obey your parents!


Look at the Holy Bible.

  1. Know that you are a sinner.
    Romans 3:10 As it is written there is none righteous, no, not one
    Romans 3:24 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
  2. Know the result of being a sinner
    Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
    Revelation 20:14 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”
  3. Know the remedy for being a sinner.
    John 3:16, 17 “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
    For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
  4. Know how to apply the remedy for being a sinner.
    Romans 10:9,10 “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved
    For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

    If you find yourself seeking for a way to overcome your own failures and sinfulness, God is working in your heart to bring you to Him. Don’t put Him off! Look at His Holy Bible. His instruction manual for life. He left us His word as a guide. The answers you seek are there!

If you have called upon Almighty God to forgive you for your sins and if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross for your sins – ask Him to take over your life and He will! If you do this and really mean it you will be saved! He promised in His word!

Look for a Bible believing and Bible preaching church where you can learn and grow spiritually!

Avoid any church that says you have to do something beside call upon the name of the Lord and accept Him as your Savior to be saved. Any church that says you have to follow their rules and rituals to be saved is false!!!

Baptism does not save you! (Baptism is an outward act of obedience to God picturing your death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ.) When you call upon Jesus for salvation you do need to follow him in baptism but that has nothing to do with your salvation. (The thief on the cross next to Jesus could not get baptized, yet Jesus promised him he would be with Him in paradise.)

No good works or deeds can save us! Isaiah 64:6 says all our righteousness is like filthy rags to God. We are fallen creatures. God HATES sin! Only Jesus can cleanse away our sin.

No church can save us. No priest, rabbi or minister is perfect before God. Only Jesus Christ was and is and will always be perfect.

I hope you will call upon Him for salvation today. Even this very instant!