I love learning…

…even if sometimes it hurts! 🙂
I am really struggling with my JavaScript class. I don’t really know why this is so dificult for me, but it is. I have made some new friends in this class since we have study groups to help us by working together. I fear that I may need to take this class again. I guess it has been too long since my programming logic class back in 2003. I am going to work hard and try my best to learn it, even studying on my own with tutorials and a variety of helps, in hopes of finding something that makes me really understand what I am doing. I will get this!

I have several major projects in the works right now. I have English Comp with a technical focus, with a large research project that I am workign on. I am our group’s project manager. I have three major assignments coming up in “Interpersonal Relationships”. Next Saturday I have to give a Power Point Presentation about the culture of Japan. I am to dress up in Japanese attire, bring Japanese food and have a 10 minute long slide show about the culture of Japan. We also have a big writing project in that class 3-5 pages on “If I had one hour to live, what would make it a happy one”. My new class (Introduction to Flash) will be starting this month too. Whew!

I am very thankful for the opportunity to return to school and get the education that I was not able to have in my younger years. I sincerely hope that this will open doors for gainful employment in my not too distant future.

With the little bit of left over grant money I received, I purchased my first DSLR camera for my upcoming digital photography class. I am soooo excited about this! I love photography! I have books that I bought over the past couple of years about this subject, and I have enjoyed taking digital pictures with my “point and shoot” digicams for over ten years! I love graphic art too! I have played around with Jasc / Corel Paint shop Pro for several years. Now I am learning Adobe PhotoShop! I am thrilled! I never thought I would be able to own PhotoShop! Someday I will get various lenses to go with my new DSLR!

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