Lots of room in the new room!

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Jay and Joe spent the night last night and are going to stay here at the hospital with me for the rest of the week. Its nice to have them here and Josh is having a blast with them.

Today we made a little basketball hoop out of a styrafoam container and taped it to the wall in his room. We made little balls from tape and guaze and Jay went to CVS and bought 4 little balls and Sara left her little football for him. He has 7 balls to throw before we all have to fetch them. 🙂 These guys have been having a riot with this game. Josh is laughing and having fun.


Later a private room became available so they moved Josh to that. It is so nice to have so much room! They fixed me up with a recliner to sleep in too. The nurses are all so nice. There are a couple of male nurses or oderlies (I’m not sure which) that are really nice too. They thought the basketball thing was really cool. One of the nurses even made a shot and got it! When we changed rooms the other family we were sharing the room with didn’t want us to go.

Tomorrow is surgery… stay tuned

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