
Monday morning Josh had another irrigation and debridement procedure. The doctors did not come talk to me so I am assuming that everything went well and looks good. If it were not they would surely have come to tell us. Josh had a big increase in pain on Monday night and the staff physician who was ‘on-call’ had to look at his dressings to make sure everything was draining correctly. He said all looked OK. The nurses gave him more pain medication and re-arranged his leg. Late at night the Doctors and O.R. staff decided to postpone his skin graft and muscle flap surgery until Wednesday.

Interesting definitions for this injury

Mike, Jay and Joe arrived late Monday night to be here for Josh’s surgery on Tuesday. The nurses warned Josh Monday morning that they often cancel scheduled surgeries and reschedule. She said this hospital is notorious for this. It sure does make it difficult for family members who have to arrange time off from their jobs to be with their loved ones for their surgeries.
🙁 The meals in the hospital cafeteria run around $7.00 each. This is just getting a main dish, vegetable and potatoe with a beverage. I may have to find another way to eat for the rest of my stay here.

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