Josh had a Serious Accident but so far he is doing well…

Josh went Rappelling in Portersville, PA and fell 50′ straight down, landing hard and bouncing up on his feet. The impact was on his left leg. He has a serious lower leg injury (a compound fracture of the tibia) and the Orthopaedic surgeon told us that he will be in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hospital for 3 weeks minimum and possibly as many as six weeks. He will have to have a bone graft, skin graft and agressive treatment to prevent inffection. The doctor believes that he has a very good chance of keeping his leg. He also told us that had he not been brought here to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, his chances of keeping his limb would not be so good. At this time I am waiting for Josh to awaken from surgery. He had to have one bone removed and a rod placed down the length of his tibia. The Doctor told us that Josh has the healthiest legs he has ever seen and that will be a major plus for his recovery. Mike and Joe will arrive here in Pittsburgh in a few hours. Jay is with me now. Joanna and Jessica are arriving at this moment with the Mrs. Burnett.

James Burnett performed first aid, applied a tourniquet by tying his shirt around his lower leg. He kept Josh calm, went to call 911 and assisted in getting Josh out. They waited for over a half hour for help to arrive. It took 45 minutes for the rescuers to get to him. The paramedics were inexperienced and not used to handling such a situation. James helped hold the I.V. bag for them and kept holding him up. The paramedic was visibly shaking as he tried to insert the I.V. He was totally rattled. Then he finally gave Josh a pain shot. James told us that the E.M.T. was even standing on the I.V. tube. James told the guy he was standing on it then moved it where he couldn’t stand on it. James helped them get Josh into the basket to carry him out. The helicopter that lifted him out landed in a field nearby.

Here are some of the pictures that Josh’s youth pastor and friend, James Burnett, gave me.


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