Contemplating the possibilities, examining the requirements, forging ahead with gusto!

Due to my tumultuous childhood involving moving from home to home, family to family, I have been mostly self educated up until the last few years. I guess I am a late bloomer academically. After spending my twenties, thirties and forties bearing and raising my beautiful twelve children and then finding it necessary to start a whole new life, I am on a quest to find the calling of my middle and latter years. I am totally enjoying college and discovering my talents. I enjoyed a three day Financial Success Seminar this week. I am left in a state of wide eyed wonder at the possibilities out there!

I am working hard with my studies and am steadily making progress towards my first associates degree. What is this young coed doing in this middle aged body? I feel like a girl fresh out of high school, and yet I have so many life experiences behind me to draw from that no young girl could possibly have. Surely I can find the way to create financial stability and success that will bless my children and bring me the financial security I need for the rest of my life.

I press on…

Photo Shoot

I’m starting my new venture… photography. I had fun practicing with different light settings.
Kenny helped me build a backdrop with PVC and black bed sheets. It turned out nice. I got some clip on work lights, made a couple of deflectors. One is a standing foam poster board and the other is coat hangers shaped into a rectangle and covered with a white garbage bag stretched tight. I was able to get one lightstand with a white umbrella and bought some daylight bulbs. I’m excited about this adventure and am enjoying experimenting with lighting and camera settings.

(Click to see full size)

I start my Spring semester classes tomorrow. My first photography class! Woo hoo! 🙂 This semester I am taking PhotoShop 2, In Design, Typography and Drawing 1. I have one more pre-req class to get out of the way too; “Internet technologies and Concepts”. I hope to get as many classes as I possibly can during the time that I have been given to devote to my education. It’s not easy, but it is a blessing! Getting that important certificate and diploma will help me get the job I need.

Here are the portraits I shot today:


Josh and Mel
