Photo Shoot

I’m starting my new venture… photography. I had fun practicing with different light settings.
Kenny helped me build a backdrop with PVC and black bed sheets. It turned out nice. I got some clip on work lights, made a couple of deflectors. One is a standing foam poster board and the other is coat hangers shaped into a rectangle and covered with a white garbage bag stretched tight. I was able to get one lightstand with a white umbrella and bought some daylight bulbs. I’m excited about this adventure and am enjoying experimenting with lighting and camera settings.

(Click to see full size)

I start my Spring semester classes tomorrow. My first photography class! Woo hoo! 🙂 This semester I am taking PhotoShop 2, In Design, Typography and Drawing 1. I have one more pre-req class to get out of the way too; “Internet technologies and Concepts”. I hope to get as many classes as I possibly can during the time that I have been given to devote to my education. It’s not easy, but it is a blessing! Getting that important certificate and diploma will help me get the job I need.

Here are the portraits I shot today:


Josh and Mel


In Memory of Buffy and Misty

Our beautiful yellow lab / golden retriever, Buffy passed away Monday night as she slept. She became ill suddenly Monday. She had been fine and active the day before. She would have been 11 years old on January 1st. We really miss her.

In Memory of Buffy

Holidays are…

…A time to share in the joy of family. They are also a time of great pain for many who are going through lonliness and the loss of loved ones. It is a time to reach out to the ones who are hurting and a time to cherish the time we have with those who are still with us. Life is but a vapor that fades away. We are prone to forgetting that our time here is limited. We need to remember to treasure the moments and savor the love we have now.