Budo Training

I got so into fixing my friend’s computer, and playing with Ubuntu that I missed my rescheduled Friday lesson. I completely reinstalled and rebuilt Ubuntu and will most likely do it again soon because the newest official release is due out in about a week. 🙂

I did make my second lesson, (after leading my early morning fitness kickboxing class) and as usual, it was great. Training in Budo Taijutsu is like practicing something you are trying to learn such as learning to skate, or ride a bike. You have to practice it and do it to get it. I hate to miss any opportunity to learn. It was pretty chilly training yesterday. We did profit from practicing and I’m glad I have this opportunity!

Been busy training and building my PC

I rebuilt my old computer and put Linux on it. I LOVE IT! Read all about it here

Trained in my Martial Art Budo Taijutsu today and yesterday. I feel like I am at least making some progress. 🙂
I took my youngest two kidz to the park where I train yesterday. The weather is finally getting nice! I drove them to Madtown today and went straight to the Metro Park where I train. Then came home and worked on the computer for the rest of the day. Busy day off!

Good Friday – Chocolate day!

I had ten of my kids together in my house today plus two! YES! We had fun making our annual chocolate Easter bunnies and chicks. Josh brought his date, and Joy brought her friend and my room was PACKED with my loved ones. Funny, someone heard me talking about making chocolate for Easter when I was at work today and said that I just do everything. He said that I make the rest of them look bad. I think he must have heard me talking to the I.T. girl, talking about building the kid’s computers and running phone lines and CAT5 cables through the house back before I had WIFI, and later networkig them all on WIFI. I told my co-worker that its just what you do when you have a large family. You learn to do things yourself

🙂 🙂 🙂