Its a start.

I am really enjoying all of my photography classes at college! In commercial photography we are working on photographing shiny metal objects without getting dark reflections in the photo. In panoramic we have several assignments to work on, including outside architecture, inside architecture, social functions and more!. This week in Portrat photography we are working on one light sets. For now I will be limited to one strobe, but in time I will get more. 🙂

Gosh I LOVE photography!

Contemplating the possibilities, examining the requirements, forging ahead with gusto!

Due to my tumultuous childhood involving moving from home to home, family to family, I have been mostly self educated up until the last few years. I guess I am a late bloomer academically. After spending my twenties, thirties and forties bearing and raising my beautiful twelve children and then finding it necessary to start a whole new life, I am on a quest to find the calling of my middle and latter years. I am totally enjoying college and discovering my talents. I enjoyed a three day Financial Success Seminar this week. I am left in a state of wide eyed wonder at the possibilities out there!

I am working hard with my studies and am steadily making progress towards my first associates degree. What is this young coed doing in this middle aged body? I feel like a girl fresh out of high school, and yet I have so many life experiences behind me to draw from that no young girl could possibly have. Surely I can find the way to create financial stability and success that will bless my children and bring me the financial security I need for the rest of my life.

I press on…