Warning! Graphic Images!

Plastic surgery was on
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Joshua's left lower leg. Photo taken on
Friday, August 15, 2008 7:15 AM

Above: The negative pressure dressing has been applied to the open fracture wound. The sponge has been cut to fit the contours of the wound. An evacuation tube connects the sponge to a source of constant subatmospheric pressure. An occlusive drape seals the dressing. (Explanation from an article found at: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1888375 )

Below: The skin graft on day 5

Day 5 - right after the vacuum dressing was removed

Below: Day 6

Day 6 in Presby Hospital

Below: Day 8

Day 8 - at home

Day 9 - Saturday

Day 11 - Monday 8-25-08

Day 12 - Tuesday 8-26-08

Day 13 - Wednesday 8-27-08

Day 14 - Thursday 8-28-08

Day 15 - Friday 8-29-08
(Staples and JP Drain removed on 8-29)

Below: Look what a whole week can do!

Day 22 - Friday, 9-5-08

Day 29 - Friday, 9-12-08

Day 36 - Friday, 9-19-08

Day 45 - Sunday, 9-28-08

Day 55  - Tuesday, 10-7-08